Declutter summary

Still room for improvement on this one!

I would like to think our apartment is fairly clutter free:

  • I’ve completely thinned out my clothes and have spare hanging space in my single wardrobe
  • I get rid of unwanted items and gifts on a regular basis… and have to be a bit ruthless sometimes.
  • I keep our limited kitchen cupboard space as clear as I can by getting rid of out-of-date food (things like spices that you buy once for one recipe and never use again…)
  • I don’t buy items unless I actually need them.

But I would like to be even more of a minimalist… I still have a great deal of books stored in flat boxes under my bed that I never read and I’m probably not likely to. These need to be sorted and taken to a charity shop.

And while I would prefer less physical clutter I also need to look at my lifestyle. This is the last weekend of December and the first weekend I’ve had at home since October. Having a busy life of weekends away is fun and exciting but sometimes its good to slow down a bit, relax and enjoy the freedom of doing nothing. Except for catching up with blog posts! Apologies for the little flurry of them today šŸ™‚






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